Pregnancy is associated with a plethora of hormonal, immunological, vascular and metabolic changes. These may influence the skin and the hair, as well as other
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Pregnancy is associated with a plethora of hormonal, immunological, vascular and metabolic changes. These may influence the skin and the hair, as well as other
Read moreBy this late stage of pregnancy, the baby’s nervous system is fully developed. Aside from the skull bones, other bones in the body are hardening.
Read morePulmonary hypoplasia refers to a condition where one or both of a baby’s lungs do not develop properly in the womb. Usually, the condition is
Read moreSkip to: What is Erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction, productivity and absenteeism Other associations Conclusion Image Credit Igorstevanovic / Shutterstock What is Erectile dysfunction? Erectile dysfunction
Read moreAcquired digital fibrokeratoma (ADFK) is a benign tumor typically seen on the fingers and toes. It is an uncommon condition most often seen in middle-aged
Read moreAge-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye condition that affects the central area of vision. It most commonly affects people age 50 and over,
Read moreAvoiding the cause of actinic keratosis is key for the prevention of the skin condition. The primary cause of the condition is ultraviolet (UV) radiation
Read moreOdontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) are benign, developmental cystic lesions of epithelial origin and involve the maxilla or mandible. These lesions are fairly aggressive locally and they
Read moreBowel movements are completely essential parts of normal life.In infancy, a baby may pass 3 – 4 stools a day at first; however, this tapers
Read moreHormone replacement therapy (HRT) is commonly used to treat menopausal symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes, insomnia, and vaginal dryness. The risks of HRT
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