IntroductionWhat is Optimism?Optimism and the Emergence of Positive PsychologyOptimism and Physical HealthOptimism and Mental HealthReferencesFurther Reading There is growing recognition of the effectiveness of optimism
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IntroductionWhat is Optimism?Optimism and the Emergence of Positive PsychologyOptimism and Physical HealthOptimism and Mental HealthReferencesFurther Reading There is growing recognition of the effectiveness of optimism
Read moreThe emergence of infectious diseaseAre we prepared for a pandemic?How can we be better prepared?To sum up a brief discussion on pandemic preparednessReferencesFurther reading The
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Read moreIntroductionDefinition of contrast-induced nephropathyRisk factors for contrast-induced nephropathyDiagnosis of contrast-induced nephropathyTreating contrast-induced nephropathyReferencesFurther reading Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is a complication that results in the impairment
Read moreIntroductionChain of infectionPrimary vs. secondary controlNotification of potential outbreaksAdvantages of early detectionIssues with late detectionDiagnostic testingReferences Further reading Infectious disease is the cause of a good
Read moreOne of a medical student’s most powerful teachers inspires compassion, forgives mistakes and leaves an indelible impression that forever guides that student’s clinical care and
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Read moreWhat is erectile dysfunction?What are the common treatments for erectile dysfunction?Regenerative therapies for erectile dysfunctionPlatelet-rich plasmaLow-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapyStem cell therapyAmniotic fluid matricesReferences Further reading Erectile
Read moreIntroductionWhat is dementia?Symptoms of DementiaTen myths and misconceptions about dementiaReferences People worry that they or someone close will get dementia when they get older. But
Read moreIntroductionMedical mycology: A neglected area of microbiology?Evolution of anti-fungal therapiesRecent advancementsReferencesFurther reading Fungal infections affect billions of people worldwide and, in severe cases can cause
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