To Invest or Not to Invest: Do I Need a Skincare Fridge?

Ask any beauty editor if it’s normal for them to have an eye cream or two nestled in-between the spinach and oat milk in their fridges, they’d more than likely agree. Yep, beauty products to put in the fridge are very much a thing – and investing in a specific fridge just for your skincare is the newest trend that’s taking over our Instagram feeds.

So do you actually need one?

The jury is out as to whether skincare fridges are a necessity or just hype. Those cutesy pastel mini fridges perfectly displaying line ups of serums, toners, face mists and moisturisers. Sure, they’re super cute and a great way to store skincare, but are they are must? We chat to Biologi’s Dermal Specialist Lucy Macdougald to give us the lowdown.

What is a skincare fridge?

It might sound like an obvious answer (and it is, sort of). A skincare fridge is essentially a mini version of a regular refrigerator; however the temperatures are typically slightly higher than that of a regular fridge. Right now, they are particularly hyped, thanks to the aesthetics and trends on Instagram that encourage things like shelfies of skincare lines ups.

Do we really need one? 

Well, it really just depends on the types of products you use, their shelf life and whether they really need to be refrigerated. Most of the products we use on a day-to-day basis contain preservatives and those that don’t generally display an expiry date on the packaging.

The truth is that most skincare products don’t need to be kept cold, so it likely comes down to a matter of preference. Some would like their products cold as the cooler temperature can have soothing effects on the skin. But realistically speaking, the only time you might need a beauty fridge is if your product specifically stipulates that it needs to be kept cold.

In rare instances, it could make a difference to the longevity of the product if that products states that it needs to be kept in a refrigerated environment. The reason this is rare is because most products have to go through stability testing, which proves that it will keep stable, and not decompose at room temperature. There are some products, such as those containing live bacteria and probiotics that could maintain stability and potency if kept in the fridge versus a warmer environment. There are also a few products that don’t store well in hotter environments, such as lipsticks and sunscreens, however these aren’t absolute musts (they just need to be kept out of heat). The same goes for perfume, which typically can be sensitive to heat.

Generally speaking, most products won’t see a difference in the actual properties or benefits if kept in a skincare fridge. In fact, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that products that have been refrigerated will last for longer or work better than those that haven’t been refrigerated. It just comes down to personal preference – some people just prefer a skincarefridge because they like the cooler temperature feeling nice on the skin. We have some customers that will store their Gua Sha or Jade Rollers in the fridge before applying with their Biologi Br Organic Rosehip Oil to create the ultimate salon experience at home. It can be a super luxe way to give yourself the ultimate self-care routine.

Then there are those that like having all their products neatly stored in the one place. Skincarefridges are a great reminder to never keep skincare on a sunny windowsill or in a hot and steamy bathroom (excessive heat can degrade active ingredients in skincare).

So, in short – skincare fridges are a want, not a need. Be we can’t argue that they are a cute way of organising your vanity items!

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