FYI: Sucking in your stomach is actually really bad for you

When the camera is on us, it can be tempting to breathe in to look thinner in the photos. However, as well as being totally unnecessary, did you know it’s actually bad for you to do so?

Referring to the core imbalance that happens when you suck in your stomach for long periods of time, ‘hourglass syndrome’ has recently become a subject of discourse online; on TikTok, for example, the hashtag has accumulated a massive 16 million views.

There are a number of reasons behind this desire to hide our real stomachs. The sad reality is that body confidence (or lack thereof) remains a real issue, with one YouGov poll finding that over a third (36%) of adult Americans are unhappy with their weight.

And these figures are just as bleak in the UK. In a similar study conducted in 2021, an overwhelming majority of people – nine in ten – reported that physical appearance matters to them, with a shocking 87% of those polled believing that those who are ‘good-looking’ (whatever that means, anyway) are treated better.

It’s no wonder, then, that many are conscious about the way they come across on social media, especially when confronted with a constant feed of edited images and unattainable, surgically-altered body shapes.

But not only are you harming your self-esteem by sucking in your stomach to seem slimmer, you may also be damaging your health. A posture expert has unveiled the physical impact this can have – and it’s not good.

Why is sucking in your stomach bad for you?

It might come as a surprise, but so-called ‘stomach gripping’ is actually really bad for your neck.

Erika Weiss, posture and wellness expert at ISSA Yoga, explains: ‘While many people will do it without thinking, as it’s almost a reflex at this point, there are long-term repercussions associated with “stomach gripping”, as you’re holding significant tension in one part of your body for an extended period of time.

‘While people have likely heard of “hourglass syndrome” as it started trending on TikTok last year, many won’t be aware of the lesser-publicised impacts of sucking your stomach in.

‘Not only does it cause a muscular imbalance in your core that can make you develop creases in your abdomen, but it can also put excessive pressure on both your pelvis and lower neck.’

According to Erika, this is down to the key role the abdomen plays in balance.

‘Gripping your stomach muscles means all your energy is going to one area, causing an inequality,’ she says.

‘You wouldn’t tense one muscle and keep it tense for the entirety of a workout, so we shouldn’t do this with our stomach either – especially for vanity reasons.’

Over time, this inequality puts additional stress on the clavicle (collarbone) and lower neck, which can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain.

Erika adds: ‘In the long term, this can even change the curvature of your spine as your abdominal muscles shorten due to the increased tension. This is the same way that humped necks form, as a result of chronic bad posture.’

Others also report issues like acid reflux, headaches and shallow breathing as a result of stomach gripping regularly over long periods.

How can people alleviate side effects?

Some of the long-term effects of stomach gripping can be irreversible, but taking up yoga can help to stretch and relax the muscles.

Weiss advises focusing on the positions that target the upper body, but notes the importance of easing yourself in slowly and integrating the movements into your daily routine.

‘Unless you’re experienced, it’s best to stick to moves that can alleviate neck and upper back pain – but make sure you don’t push yourself too much at the start’, she adds, recommending positions like standing forward bend, the warrior II pose and the extended triangle pose.

The biggest thing to remember? You don’t need to suck your stomach in.

All bodies, in all their shapes and sizes, are valid and beautiful. So, go ahead and take that picture.

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