Reddit Is Having a Heated Debate About Concert Smoking Etiquette After This Guy Lit Up Next to a Pregnant Stranger

Marijuana is a pretty contentious subject to begin with, but this Reddit user’s brazen admission to smoking next to a pregnant woman with no regard for her health or consent set off a fiery debate on the platform’s “Am I The A—hole” subreddit.

The Redditor explained that they recently attended a concert that had “a very heavy drug scene associated with it.” They added that they were in an assigned seat section next to a couple, and “about 10 minutes into the first set I light up a joint, and about 5 minutes after the husband complains to me about his wife being pregnant.”

“I told them both it’s a show,” the user continued. “You came here, you can choose to leave. He tried to cause a scene but nothing happened since I just ignored them both and danced.” They added that they told their roommates what happened and they called OP an a—hole for smoking next to a pregnant person. Because of this, OP wanted Reddit to weigh in on the matter — and the result was a heated debate.

For some, OP was undoubtedly the jerk in the situation. One user wrote, “YES YTA. You shouldn’t be smoking in your seat like that. … Double YTA for doing it next to a pregnant woman.” They added a bit of criticism toward the pregnant individual, writing, “However, if I were her, I would have left or called security to move you. Her and her baby’s health is more important than the concert.”

Other Redditors pointed out the plethora of alternative options, with one person commenting, “Take an edible, smoke before you come in, bring a vape and hit it outside if you must. So many options these days besides forcing someone else and their unborn fetus to inhale it too.” Another echoed the sentiment, writing, “I never understood smoking indoors at a concert… is disgusting for the people next to you and overall just an egotistical choice. Take edibles or bring a pen if u wanna be high that badly.”

Speaking of ego, additional users emphasized how self-centered OP’s point of view is. “I don’t care what kind of scene a band has, take it outside and be respectful of the people around you,” one person wrote. “Why should someone else leave because of something you are doing? She has just as much right to be there as you do.”

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