Corona-dead in the home for the Disabled in Koblenz – a number of Infected

Corona-crisis in Germany: 156 people have already died, 32.888 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide, more than 300,000 cases were registered. The public life increasingly to a Standstill. All the information about the Coronavirus please see the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

A 78-year-old resident of an institution for the mentally disabled in Koblenz died of the consequences of a Corona-infection. In the house of Caritas, and a sister facility in the middle Weißenthurm is characterized according to the welfare Association Caritas "a dramatic Situation ab": In both buildings there is each of a plurality of Corona infections in residents and staff. A spokesman of the district administration of Mayen-Koblenz and to the local health Department said on Wednesday the 78-year-old man with intellectual disabilities died on Tuesday.

The Koblenz-based Caritas Director Martina Best-read box that appears, according to the message from Tuesday "deep erschüttert". The health Department had arranged for the house of the owl Horst with the case of death and in the wider Caritas-establishment of St. Francis in Weißenthurm a quarantine. "Tested positive for residents to remain in a stable state of health in the house. All residents with symptoms are for the time being, as well as possible isoliert", explained to the Caritas. Visitors were prohibited, employees are likely to commute even without further contacts between your home and the facilities.

The mentally disabled residents of the two houses could not during the day visit, because of the Corona pandemic, a workshop or Day center is now, according to Caritas with more staff effort a care around the clock in residential buildings is necessary. The welfare Association called on Volunteers with and without prior knowledge, to help with the care. dpa/Axel Heimken/dpa A doctor performs a driver in a Covid-19-Test.  

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