Covid-19 is already out of control? The most important answers to the corona pandemic

The number of infections with the novel Virus Covid-19 has increased in Italy over the weekend, clearly. In Europe, the country with 219 Patients is affected most severely. China reports more Deaths than ever before in one day. We answer the most important questions about Covid-19.

What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

The Virus belongs to the family of corona viruses, a virus group, the Cold symptoms to diseases with schwerwiegenderem course, such as Mers or Sars triggers.

Covid-19 the evidence so far suggests that in many cases is mild and is not noticed by the Infected part, such as the WHO reported. Much less commonly, it can also trigger serious illnesses such as pneumonia. A Sepsis is possible. In the result, it can lead to renal failure, multi-organ and lead to death.

Symptoms of Covid-19 are the same as those of flu and include:

  • Fever
  • dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue, Tiredness,

It is assumed that the time from infection until the onset of the disease can be up to 14 days. However, in the case of a man from Hubei province was recently announced, the have shown to be 27 days with no symptoms, before the disease had broken out.

How dangerous Covid-19 is?

According to WHO, 80 percent of Patients recover without specific therapy of Covid-19. About one in six people will become seriously ill and respiratory develop difficulties.

Particularly the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart problems or Diabetes according to the WHO, more and more heavy course of a disease. How high is the mortality rate for Infected is, it is not resolved. The WHO is currently two percent. For comparison: In the case of a flu, the mortality rate is closer to 0.1 per cent, in the case of Sars, it was 10 percent, in the case of Mers, even at about 30 percent.

Find out more:Coronavirus outbreak in the News Ticker – the supply shortages of protective masks – the number of dead in China is skyrocketing

How high is the risk for the population in Germany?

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) estimates the risk for the population in Germany as low, even if it is assumed that further cases will be imported to Germany. Also other Transfers and chains of Infection in Germany were possible.

The European centre for the prevention and control of diseases evaluated with Covid-19 connected to the risk for people in the EU and the UK as a low-to-moderate.

How the Virus is transmitted from person to person?

The Coronavirus is transmitted through droplet infection when coughing or Sneezing, as well as by a smear infection. In addition, the Virus could be passed on orally too faecal, so the digestive system. This is not clarified, according to the RKI, however, to finally.

Can give people without symptoms Covid-19 continue?

Apparently, this is possible. According to the WHO, the risk of the Virus from a man to capture, and no or only mild symptoms is low, but not excluded.

How can you protect yourself?

Also the protection against the novel Coronavirus is similar to the case of a flu. Although there is currently no vaccine, however, it can already help with simple hygiene measures, such as

  • to wash aware several times a day, the hands (20 seconds long)
  • To disinfect hands when water and soap are just palpable
  • not to touch with unwashed hands to the face
  • a distance of one Meter to his To keep

Other non-infect, you should note the cough and Niesetikette and when coughing or Sneezing, to avert, if possible, in the bend of the elbow sneeze or wash your hands.

Generally speaking, anyone Who feels unwell should stay at home, and in the event of persistent complaints or the suspicion of an infection, consult a doctor. Also: Who is not yet vaccinated against the flu should take the current spread of the Coronavirus to the occasion to do so. Because the sick, to relieve the houses should also occur in Germany increased corona cases.

How is Covid diagnosed-19?

If there is reason to believe that a person has been infected with the Coronavirus, it is tested. This is using a method called Polymerase chain reaction, and with the help of which the causative agent can be demonstrated.

What treatment options are currently available?

A causal therapy or a vaccine yet. Researchers around the world working with high pressure on new findings and developments in this regard. There are already clinical trials in which potential drugs are tested.

How was transferred the Virus to humans?

It is believed that Covid-19 comes from wild animals. From which animal the Virus to the people was transferred, however, is yet unclear. As a possible Vector snakes, bats or the Pangolin a pangolin, have been suspected.

The first Patients are expected to have a market in Wuhan at the end of December 2019 plugged in.

How many Infected there were in Germany?

In Germany, 16 cases of Coronavirus have become Infected known, the largest part of it in Bavaria. Meanwhile, 12 of the 14 in Bavarian hospitals treated Covid were 19 patients discharged from the hospital. All 14 Corona-cases in Bavaria were in connection with the stock dorfer automotive supplier Webasto. A Chinese colleague had introduced the pathogen in the case of a service trip in January in. It had infected some people, some infected members.

A prerequisite for discharge from the hospital, among other things, several negative Tests for the Virus. The criteria set by the RKI.

The countries In which the Virus Covid-19 has occurred already?

More than 79,000 people have been infected worldwide with the Coronavirus, most (more than 77,000) in China. These Figures shows a current graph of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. Similar Figures also, the WHO is.

In addition to China, Covid has arrived-19 in more than two dozen other countries:

  • South Korea (833 confirmed cases)
  • Italy (157)
  • Japan (147)
  • Singapore (89)
  • Hong Kong (74)
  • Iran (43)
  • Thailand (35)
  • US (35)
  • Taiwan (28)
  • Australia (22)
  • Malaysia (22)
  • Germany (16)
  • Vietnam (16)
  • United Arab Emirates (13)
  • UK (13)
  • France (12)
  • Macau (10)
  • Canada (9)
  • Philippines (3)
  • India (3)
  • Russia (2)
  • Spain (2)
  • Lebanon (1)
  • Nepal (1)
  • Cambodia (1)
  • Israel (1)
  • Belgium (1)
  • Finland (1)
  • Sweden (1)
  • Egypt (1)
  • Sri Lanka (1)

Where is Corona Virus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease

FOCUS Online/Wochit Where occurs Corona-Virus on? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease

Is to prevent a pandemic yet?

"A curb at the last second is probably erreichbar&quot with all available forces;, the Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten said on Sunday. The welfare of a wild animal market in Wuhan on the people übergesprun genes Virus plays his trump card: Because the majority of infections with Sars-CoV run 2 mild, they are hardly detectable.

Its properties allowed for Sars-CoV-2, an unnoticed Transfer, says Drosten. Who has only mild or no symptoms, don’t go to the doctor and is not tested can transmit the Virus but dozens of other people wearing it in turn, in their network of Social and work contacts. According to one model calculation, of Imperial College London estimated would be perceived, only one-third of all imported cases from China at all, so Drosten. "I do not believe that a pandemic is preventable."

Is reached the pinnacle already?

Chinese scientists recently published the first comprehensive report on the Coronavirus. The researchers from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) presented the development of the disease. You sorted the number of infections after the date on which the first symptoms occurred. So you want to estimate the time course of the epidemic.

The report represents the onset of the Corona symptoms of a curve. The study authors concluded that these reached their peak around the 23. to 26. January, 2020. Then, the curve took up to 11. February again. The data give the impression that the Corona-Virus has reached its turning point already.

The Munich-based physicians Clemens Wendtner, in which some of the corona patients in Germany were in treatment, to be feared, however, that this turning point is not yet reached. For this he gives three reasons:

1. China has difficulties in the detection of diagnostic

For one thing, he doubted that the Virus has been diagnosed in China, especially in Hubei to all who are actually ill. The Chinese reportedly have removed temporarily the availability of the proof of diagnosis.

2. Many cases are not confirmed

Also in the counting and confirmation of the cases he sees a possible source of error: "In the mainland of China to be counted in addition, especially in those cases where patients are already showing symptoms of COVID-19, quite different than the WHO recommendation, according to which PCR-positive cases are then confirmed counted, even if the Patient (still shows) no symptoms."

3. There is a high dark figure

In addition, Wendtner feared a high number of unreported cases of COVID-19-patients in the Region Hubei. He assumes that people who feel sick would not be immediately consult a physician: "Who’s going to the hospital to see a doctor, if he has fear, is quarantined and the apartment can only leave hard?"

Currently relevant, scientific information on the subject are on the Website of the Robert Koch Institute, searchable and freely accessible.

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