Corona-crisis, disinfectant and soap for stressed hands properly care – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Common hands, the skin stretched wash – so you are against taxes!

The spread of the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV stem 2, are we supposed to wash ourselves more often and more thoroughly the hands. This can strain the skin, but severely Dry, rough and irritated skin is often the result. Dr. Dawn Davis, a Dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic, gives some tips on how we wash our hands properly, dry and maintain.

1. Gentle Wash

To clean the hands as gentle on the skin, recommends Dr. Davis in an Interview with the Mayo Clinic, to prefer to use solid soap than liquid soap. Solid soap contains less chemicals, and deprive the skin of moisture. Also, you should make sure that the soap is hypoallergenic and free of irritants and is fragrance. In the case of doubt to be in the business for advice.

The water temperature when Washing should be comfortably warm, not hot, because hot water, the skin dries out more. Thus, germs are killed, you should wash your hands for at least twenty seconds.

Make sure, also the Points between the fingers, the thumb, under the rings, on the back of the hand and the wrists around to lather thoroughly. When you Rinse, you should do it as thoroughly, as soap residue can lead to skin irritation.

2. Gentle Dry

When Drying off your hands, you should be careful with them. Dr. Dawn Davis advises to dry the skin better with a stippling motion as opposed to rubbing it dry. Although paper towels for sure the most hygienic variant, they are not good for the environment and according to Dr. Davis, not for the skin. Instead, the expert recommends the following:

“I would suggest linen, for example, a cotton towel, a paper towel is preferable. But it is better to use either a paper or a cotton towel, to let the hands air dry. Air-drying the skin through Diffusion and evaporation of moisture from the skin even more dry out, and when you shake the hands dry, you could kidney the surface contamination, if any germs are on the skin.“

3. Proper Care

Accompanying the increased hand washing should also be proper care taken, emphasizes the expert.

Lotion, cream or ointment?

After Washing and Drying the hands it comes, the skin the lost moisture back into. There is the Dermatologist, according to three possibilities: lotions, creams or ointments.

Lotions have a higher water content and less fat, you pull quickly, evaporate more quickly, so that the care is not as long lasting.

Creams have less water content and more fat, you pull the slower one, but already stronger.

Ointments according to Dr. Davis is not a, but form a protective layer over the skin. So you can slow down the evaporation process, the skin generally loses moisture. The expert explains the effects of ointments: “can you imagine like a greenhouse roof, or as a lid. You can prevent or slow down Substantially, the evaporation that takes place in a natural way through the skin.”

In all three options, you should make sure that the products contain no allergenic substances.

Various Application Possibilities

After each Wash, a Lotion or cream should be applied to the hands and gently massaged into the skin, between the fingers and the hand around the joints. If you do not realize that the simple Lotion lasts long enough, recommended Dr. Davis, and the maintenance multiple times, or in different layers:

“If you don’t have the feeling that your hands are moist enough, just wait 30 seconds to a Minute and then apply again. Of a second application, you will definitely benefit. If you feel that your skin needs more help, you could first apply a cream or Lotion. Then, apply the second application of an ointment to seal them like a roof, making a kind of greenhouse effect is possible.“

If this additional care is also not sufficient, because you have, for example, very dry or very sensitive skin, you can strengthen you, according to the Dermatologist the following manner: First, apply one to two coats of Lotion or cream on the hands. Then cover it with an ointment layer, for example made of Vaseline. You can pull the cotton stockings and the care-leave on, preferably overnight.

Extra tip: Night-time Intensive-care wrap with vinegar

Even more intense of a night winding maintains, with the assistance of vinegar. Dr. Dawn Davis tells how to do it:

“Wash yourself before sleeping hands go and Pat dry. You wear two layers of your dick to the most, the most effective hypoallergenic Lotion or cream, not ointment. Ointments will not collect in the skin. You give a teaspoon of white vinegar in a glass or small bowl with warm water and a soft two clean washcloths. Wring out and wrap it around your hands. They cover their hands with socks.“

What is the effect of vinegar has? According to the expert, helps the skin to vinegar, the healthy pH value. The heat helps to open the pores of the skin. The care substances can penetrate better and deeper into the skin, explains Dr. Davis. (kh)