Number of Corona-new infections have fallen once again – 6729 people have died

The number of new positive Corona Tests has dropped compared to the previous day again just. While on Saturday just under 800 new infections have been reported, there are now only 705.

Thus, the number of confirmed Corona cases is rising in the country on 163.465. Add to that 70 deaths come in cases, which now 6729 people in Germany have died of the consequences of the Covid-19-disease. The reproduction number is 0.74.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 32.389 (1422 Deaths)
  • Bavaria: 43.204 (1933 Deaths)
  • Berlin: 6004 (154 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 2989 (151 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 893 (31 Deaths)
  • Hamburg: 4834 (164 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 8514 (370 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 699 (18 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 10.386 (462 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 33.412 (1287 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 6147 (177 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2598 (140 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 4731 (167 Deaths)
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1579 (45 Deaths)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 2733 (113 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 2353 (95 Deaths)

Total: Version 03.05., 18.51 PM, 163.465 (6729 Deaths)

The Day Before: Balance On 02.05., 18.32 PM, 162.760 (6659 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 130.600

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 0,74 (as of 03.05.)

Read more about Coronavirus in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Today, it is noted that the Figures are usually on the weekend, among those which will be communicated during the week. This is mainly due to the reporting system. While the number of new positive Tests is during the week between 1300 and 1600 swayed, and now the second day in a row significantly less than that of the RKI targeted limit of 1000 new infections.

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